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Patio Heater Buying Guide


Patio heaters are outdoor appliances that use a method of heat transfer, called radiant heat, to warm up the objects around them. Radiant heat produces waves of energy that become heat when they touch a solid object.

Since radiant heat is transferred directly to a person or object, the warmth created won’t get carried away by the wind, making it the most efficient way to heat an outdoor space.

A perfect example of radiant heat transfer is the sun. Think of standing outside on a bright sunny day and letting the sun warm your skin, or sitting on the ground and feeling the heat radiate up from the Earth.

Whatever solid objects are in the path of the sun are warmed by its rays. Patio heaters function in the same exact way.

Patio heaters often come equipped with a reflector panel that is a curved or dome-shaped piece of metal that sits on top or behind the heating unit to reflect heat to the surrounding area.

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